Yaroslav D. Sergeyev
Ph.D., D.Sc., D.H.C.
Distinguished Professor
Head of Numerical Calculus Laboratory
DIMES, University of Calabria
via P. Bucci, Cubo 41-C, 87036 Rende (CS), Italy
yaro@dimes.unical.it – Phone: +39 0984 494855
- President, 2017-2021, International Society of Global Optimization
- h-index: Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar
Yaroslav D. Sergeyev receives the International Constantin Carathéodory Prize that was presented during the World Congress of Global Optimization (Athens, Greece, July 10-14, 2023). Prof. Sergeyev delivered a plenary lecture entitled “Problems, methods, and applications in Lipschitz global optimization” (see this press release).
In December 2023, he receives the International Prize of the city of Gioacchino da Fiore for his work with numerical infinitesimals and infinitesimals (see this video).- Sergeyev Ya.D. and De Leone R., editors (2022) Numerical Infinities and Infinitesimals in Optimization. Springer, Cham (see book cover; see this video of the workshop dedicated to the presentation of the book with its press-release and also a review published by the Springer’s journal Optimization Letters).
- NUMTA 2023: Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms
Numerical infinity and Infinity Computer
- Materials for teaching numerical infinities and infinitesimals developed at the University of East Anglia
- Лекция на телеканале «Культура»
- Erdös number 3, Bacon number 3 (as Jaroslav Serguecy)