Curriculum vitae

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Yaroslav D. Sergeyev

Italian citizen

Phone: (+39)-0984-494855



Global optimization (President, 2017-2021, International Society of Global Optimization), Infinity computing and calculus (Founder of the field), numerical analysis, set theory, number theory, fractals (including, in particular, Peano space-filling curves), parallel computing, interval analysis, game theory

h-factor: Web of Science – 38, Scopus – 41, Google Scholar – 56.


  1. International Prize of the city of Gioacchino da Fiore for the work with numerical infinities and infinitesimals, 2023 (see this video).
  2. The Constantin Carathéodory Prize of the International Society of Global Optimization (see this press release)
  3. The ICNAAM Research Excellence Award for outstanding contributions in the field of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 2023
  4. The 21st International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Crete, Greece, was dedicated to achievements and the 60th birthday of Prof. Sergeyev, 2023
  5. Khwarizmi International Award, 2017
  6. Pythagoras International Prize in Mathematics (Premio Internazionale Pitagora per la Matematica), Italy, 2010
  7. Highly cited author in Scopus, since 2020
  8. Included in the list Top Italian Scientists, Mathematics, by the ranking, 2022
  9. Biography has been published by Chinese journal Mathematical Culture, 2022
  10. Included in the list Top Italian Scientists, Mathematics, by the rating Guide2research, 2022
  11. Distinguished Lecturer, Lancaster University, UK, 2020
  12. Included in the list Top Italian Scientists, Mathematics, by the rating VIA Academy, since 2020
  13. Included in the list Top Italian Computer Scientists by the rating Guide2research, 2020
  14. Corresponding Member of the Italian Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Messina, elected in 2020.
  15. Outstanding reviewer for international journals “Mathematics and Computers in Simulation” and “Expert Systems with Applications”, Elsevier, 2018
  16. Management Lecture, Department of Management, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Italy, 2017
  17. EUROPT Fellow, 2016
  18. Outstanding reviewer for the international journal “Applied Mathematics and Computation”, Elsevier, 2016
  19. Honorary Fellowship, the highest distinction of the European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2015
  20. The Journal of Global Optimization Best Paper Award for the article R. Paulavicius, Ya.D. Sergeyev, D.E. Kvasov, J. Zilinskas, Globally-biased DISIMPL algorithm for expensive global optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, 2014, volume 59, pages 545-567.
  21. Achievement Award from the World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, USA, 2015
  22. Degree of Honorary Doctor, Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, 2013
  23. Outstanding Achievement Award from the 2010 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, USA, 2010
  24. Lagrange Lecture, Turin University, 2010
  25. Honorary plate from the Engineering Faculty of the Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey, 2009
  26. Keynote address and honorary plaque at the general plenary session of the world multi-conference WMSCI 2008, Orlando, Florida, 2008
  27. Distinguished Full Professorship awarded by the Italian Government, 2002


List of papers includes 320 items: 6 authored books, 11 edited books and proceedings, 129 papers in international journals, 90 refereed chapters of books, papers in books and proceedings of international conferences, 24 refereed articles in national journals and proceedings of national conferences, 11 refereed didactic papers, 45 technical reports, 4 patents.


1996Doctor of Sciences (Habilitation for the Full Professorship) from Lomonosov State University, Moscow, Russia
1990Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics, Gorky State University, Gorky, USSR
1980 – 1985Student of the Faculty of Computing Mathematics and Cybernetics, Gorky State University, Gorky, USSR
1978 – 1980Specialized Physical and Mathematical Lyceum, Gorky, USSR


Editorial Boards

2022 – …Member of the Editorial Board of the book series Emergence, Complexity and Computation, Springer
2021 – …Member of the Editorial Board of the international Journal of Computational Mathematics and Data Science, Elsevier
2021 – …Member of the Editorial Board of the international journal Soft Computing, Springer
2021 – …Member of the Editorial Board of the international Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, published by the American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
2020 – …Member of the Editorial Board of the international journal Advances in Computational Intelligence, Springer
2019 – …Member of the Editorial Board of the international journal SN Operations Research Forum, Springer
2019 – …Member of the Editorial Board of the international Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, Springer
2016 – …Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Unconventional Computing, Old City Publishing
2014 – …Member of the Editorial Board of the international journal Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier
2011 – 2022Member of the Editorial Board of the international journal Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, published by the American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
2008 – …Member of the Editorial Board of the international Journal of Global Optimization, Springer
2008 – …Member of the Editorial Board of the international journal Annali dell’Universita’ di Ferrara, Sezione VII – Scienze Matematiche, Springer
2007 – …Member of the Editorial Board of the international journal Optimization Letters, Springer
1999 – 2006Member of the Editorial Board of Mathematical Modelling and Optimal Control: Bulletin of the Nizhni Novgorod State University, Nizhni Novgorod University Press

Special issues

2023Guest-Editor (together with H.A. Le Thi, T.P. Dinh) of the special issue of the international journal Optimization and Engineering, Volume 24, Issue 1
2022Guest-Editor (together with H.A. Le Thi, T.P. Dinh) of the special issue dedicated to the 6th World Congress on Global Optimization held in Metz, France, July 8–10, 2019” Journal of Global Optimization, 82(4), 2022
2021Managing Guest-Editor (with L. Brugnano and D.E. Kvasov Guest-Editors) of the virtual special issue of the journal Applied Mathematics and Computation, 40, no. 126023, 2021
2021Managing Guest-Editor (with H.A. Le Thi, T.P. Dinh Guest-Editors) of the special issue dedicated to the 6th World Congress on Global Optimization held in Metz, France, July 8–10, 2019”, Optimization Letters, 15:7
2021Managing Guest-Editor (with A. Deutz, M. Emmerich, I. Yevseyeva Guest-Editors) of the special issue of Journal of Global Optimization, 79(2), 2021 dedicated to the 14th international workshop on global optimization held in Leiden, The Netherlands, September 18–21, 2018
2021Managing Guest-Editor (with L. Brugnano and A. Zhigljavsky Guest-Editors) of the virtual special issue of the journal Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Elsevier dedicated to the 3rd International Conference “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms—NUMTA 2019” June 15–21, 2019, Isola Capo Rizzuto, Italy
2020Managing Guest-Editor (with R. De Leone and G. Toraldo Guest-Editors) of the special issue of the journal Soft Computing, 24(23), 2020 dedicated to the 3rd International Conference “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms—NUMTA 2019” June 15–21, 2019, Isola Capo Rizzuto, Italy
2018Managing Guest-Editor (with R. De Leone and A.A. Zhigljavsky Guest-Editors) of the special issue of the Journal of Global Optimization, 71(1), 2018 dedicated to the 2nd International Conference “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms”, Pizzo Calabro, Italy, 2016
2018Managing Guest-Editor (with L. Brugnano and D.E. Kvasov Guest-Editors) of the special issue of the journal Applied Mathematics and Computation, 318 (2018) dedicated to the 2nd International Conference “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms”, Pizzo Calabro, Italy, 2016
2016Guest-Editor of the special issue “Recent developments in non-linear and global optimization”, Optimization Letters, 10(2), 2016
2015Managing Guest-Editor (with R. De Leone and D.E. Kvasov Guest-Editors) of the special issue of the journal Applied Mathematics and Computation, 255 (2015) dedicated to the International Conference “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms”, Falerna, Italy, 2013
2015Managing Guest-Editor (with L. Brugnano and A.A. Zhigljavsky Guest-Editors) of the special issue of the journal Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 21(1-3), 2015 dedicated to the International Conference “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms”, Falerna, Italy, 2013
2012Managing Guest-Editor (with R. De Leone and A.A. Zhigljavsky Guest-Editors) of the special issue dedicated to the international workshop “Infinite and Infinitesimal in Mathematics, Computing and Natural Sciences”, Cetraro, Italy, May 17–21, 2010, journal Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218(16), 2012
2010Guest-Editor, together with P.M. Pardalos of the special issue celebrating the 70th birthday of Roman G. Strongin, Journal of Global Optimization, 2010, 48(1)
2005Guest-Editor, together with R. Fletcher, V. Ruggiero, and R.G. Strongin, of the special issue dedicated to the INdAM scientific meeting “Numerical Methods for Local and Global Optimization: Sequential and Parallel Algorithms”, Cortona, Italy, July 14-20, 2003, Optimization Methods and Software, 2005, 20(4)


1991 – …Reviewer for books of Springer, Oxford University Press, and CRC Press and for the following 71 international journals: Ad Hoc Networks, Algorithms, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Applied Mechanics, Applied Sciences, Automation and Remote Control, Automation in Construction, Applied Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence Review, Automatica, Biomimetics, Central European Journal of Operations Research, Chemical Engineering Science, Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, Computational Optimization and Applications, Computer Physics Communications, Computers & Operations Research, Data Technologies and Applications, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Ecological Modelling, Education Sciences, Energy Reports, Entropy, EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, European Journal of Operational Research, European Physical Journal Plus, Expert Systems with Applications, Heliyon, IEEE Access, Information and Software Technology, Information Sciences, INFORMS Journal on Computing, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Journal of Computational Science, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, Journal of Global Optimization, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Journal of Number Theory, Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Knowledge-Based Systems, Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, Mathematical Biosciences, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Mathematical Programming, Mathematical Reviews, Mathematics, Nature Scientific Reports, Numerical Algorithms, Optimization, Optimization Letters, Optimization Methods and Software, p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Smart Science, Soft Computing, Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, Sustainability, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Technological and Economic Development of Economy, The European Physical Journal Plus, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics


2021 – …Member of the Advisory Board, International Society of Global Optimization
2017 – 2021President, International Society of Global Optimization
2022External member of a commission for Habilitation for the position of Full Professor at the University of Lorraine (France)
2017, 2019, 2021Member of the Constantin Caratheodory Prize Committee
2022External member of a commission for assigning Habilitation for Full Professor position at the University of Lorraine, France
2018External member of a Ph.D. commission at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
2017Member of the national commission for appellations regarding habilitation for Professor positions at Italian universities
2017External member of a Ph.D. commission at the University of Metz (France)
2016 – 2017Vice-President, the International Society of Global Optimization
2016External member of Ph.D. commissions at Anna University (India) and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
2008 – 2020Member of the Advisory Board of the Centre for Optimisation and Its Applications, School of Mathematics at Cardiff University, UK
2002 – 2024Affiliated Researcher, Institute of High-Performance Computing and Networking (ICAR – Istituto di Calcolo e Reti ad Alte Prestazioni), Rende (CS), Italy
2002 – …Distinguished Professor (Professorship awarded by the Italian Government), University of Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy
1997 – 2002Professor, Lobachevski Nizhni Novgorod State University, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia
1994 – 2002Researcher, member of the scientific council, Institute of Systems Analysis and Information Technology, Rende-Cosenza, Italy
1992 – 2001Visiting lecturer, University of Calabria, Rende-Cosenza, Italy
1991 – 1992Visiting scientist, Consorzio per la Ricerca e le Applicazioni di Informatica, Italy
1990 – 1991Visiting scientist, Systems Department, University of Calabria, Rende-Cosenza, Italy, supported by a grant from the Italian Ministry of International Affairs
1986 – 1996Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Computing Mathematics and Cybernetics, Gorky State University, Gorky, USSR
1986 – 1993Leader of the ANALYTIC Research Group developing software for high and secondary school.
1985 – 1986Researcher, Faculty of Computing Mathematics and Cybernetics, Gorky State University, USSR


  • Sabbatical 2024/2025
  • Numerical Calculus, Linear Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Electronics, and Systems, 2015-2023
  • Numerical Calculus, Engineering Faculty, 2013-2015
  • Numerical Calculus, Mathematical Methods for Engineers, Engineering Faculty, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013
  • Numerical Calculus, Engineering Faculty, 2009-2010
  • Numerical Calculus, Statistics and Probability, Mathematical Methods for Engineers, Engineering Faculty, 2003-2009
  • Statistics and Probability, Applied Mathematics, Engineering Faculty, 2002-2003
  • Calculus 3, Engineering Faculty, 2000-2001
  • Statistics and Probability, Engineering Faculty, Master in Logistics, 2000
  • Mathematical Analysis I, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università della Calabria, anno accademico 1999-2000
  • Mathematical Analysis I, Engineering Faculty 1999-2000
  • Statistics and Probability, Engineering Faculty 1998-1999
  • Statistics and Probability, Pharmaceutics Faculty, 1996-1997
  • Introduction to Mathematics, Pharmaceutics Faculty, 1992-1993, 1993-1994, 1995-1996
  • Statistics and Probability, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, 1991-1992
  • Game Theory (exercises), Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Gorky, USSR, 1986-1990


  1. plenary lecture, the 21th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2023, Crete, Greece, September 11-17, 2023
  2. plenary lecture, World Congress on Global Optimization, Athens, Greece, July 10-14, 2023
  3. tutorial, the 4th International Conference and Summer School “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms”, Pizzo Calabro, Italy, June 15-21, 2023
  4. keynote lecture opening the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Metaheuristics & Swarm Intelligence (ISMSI 2023), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 23-24, 2023
  5. plenary lecture, the 20th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2022, September 19-24, 2022
  6. plenary lecture, the 2nd international modelling and simulation of social-behavioural phenomena in creative societies (MSBC-2022), Vilnius, Lithuania, September 21-23, 2022
  7. plenary lecture, International Conference Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research, Petrozavodsk, Russia, July 2-6, 2022
  8. tutorial, the 16th Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference, June 5-10, 2022, Milos Island, Greece
  9. plenary lecture, Global Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, December, 02-04, 2021, online
  10. keynote lecture, 4th International Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering, Ghent, Belgium, August, 24-25, 2021
  11. plenary lecture, the XVI International Congress of Scientific Research, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, June 9-11, 2021
  12. plenary lecture, Mathematical modeling and supercomputer technologies, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, November 23-27, 2020
  13. plenary lecture, Finance India International Research Conference, New Delhi, India, November 7, 2020
  14. plenary lecture, the Fourteenth International Conference on Game Theory and Management, St. Petersburg, Russia, October 5-9, 2020.
  15. plenary lecture, the 4th International Conference Informatization of Education and E-learning Methodology: Digital Technologies in Education, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, October 6–9, 2020.
  16. plenary lecture, the 7th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, Azerbaijan, August 26-28, 2020
  17. plenary lecture, the 3rd International Conference on Modern Mathematical Methods and High Performance Computing in Science & Technology, Ghaziabad, India, January 9-11, 2020
  18. plenary lecture,  the 2nd International Conference on Unconventional Modelling, Simulation & Optimization, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 9-11, 2019
  19. tutorial, IEEE/ACM DS-RT 2019 “The 23rd International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications”, Cosenza, Italy, October 7-9, 2019
  20. plenary lecture, the 7th International Conference on p-Adic Mathematical Physics and its Applications, Covilha, Portugal, September 30 – October 4, 2019
  21. tutorial, the 3d International Conference and Summer School “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms”, Le Castella, Isola Capo Rizzuto, Italy, June 15-21, 2019
  22. plenary lecture, the 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Models & Computational Techniques in Science & Engineering, London, UK, February 23-25, 2019
  23. plenary lecture, the 14th International Workshop on Global Optimization LeGO 2018, Leiden, The Netherlands, September 18-21, 2018
  24. plenary lecture, the 7th International Conference on Optimization and Control with Applications, Malacca, Malaysia, August 1–4, 2018
  25. plenary lecture, Learning and Intelligent Optimization LION-12, Kalamata, Greece, June 10-15, 2018
  26. plenary lecture, the 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Methods & Computational Techniques in Science & Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK, February 16-18, 2018
  27. plenary lecture, the 9th International Workshop “Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems”, Druskininkai, Lithuania, November 30 – December 2, 2017
  28. plenary lecture, the 15th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 25-30, 2017
  29. plenary lecture, International Conference and School “High-Performance Computing, Optimization and Applications”, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, September 7-10, 2017
  30. tutorial, the 14th International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT-2017), Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, September 4-8, 2017
  31. tutorial, Learning and Intelligent Optimization LION-11, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, June 19-21, 2017
  32. plenary lecture, the 14th Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation TAMC 2017, Bern, Switzerland, April 20-22, 2017
  33. plenary lecture, Global Optimization Conference GOC-2017, College Station, TX, USA, March 30 – April 1, 2017
  34. plenary lecture opening the International Conference on Mathematical Methods & Computational Techniques in Science & Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK, February 24-26, 2017
  35. plenary lecture, International Conference and School “High-Performance Computing, Optimization and Applications”, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, November 7-11, 2016
  36. plenary lecture, the 14th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, Warsaw (Poland), July 1-2, 2016
  37. tutorial, the 2nd International Conference and Summer School “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms”, Pizzo Calabro, Italy, June 19–25, 2016
  38. plenary lecture, the 7th International Workshop Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, Druskininkai, Lithuania, December 3 – 5, 2015
  39. plenary lecture, International Conference and School “High-Performance Computing, Optimization and Applications”, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, November 16-20, 2015
  40. plenary lecture, the 13th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2015, Rhodes, Greece, September 23-29, 2015
  41. plenary lecture, the 14th International Conference on Unconventional Computation & Natural Computation, Auckland, New Zealand, 31 August – 4 September, 2015
  42. keynote lecture, the 2015 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, Las Vegas, USA, July 27-30, 2015
  43. plenary lecture, 1st International Summer School for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences & Science Education, Lille, France, June 22-26, 2015
  44. invited semi-plenary lecture, New Trends in Numerical Analysis: Theory, Methods, Algorithms and Applications, Falerna (CZ), Italy June 18-21, 2015
  45. plenary lecture opening the Joint ORSC/EURO International Conference 2015 on Continuous Optimization, Shanghai, China, May 10-12, 2015
  46. plenary lecture, the 16th Baikal International Conference “Methods of Optimization and Their Applications”, Olhon, Baikal, Russia, 30th of June – 6th of July, 2014
  47. plenary lecture and tutorial, International Conference “Theory and Practice of Systems Analysis”, Rybinsk, Russia, May 21-24, 2014
  48. plenary lecture, the 9th Italian Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, May 14-15, 2014
  49. plenary lecture opening the 11th International Conference “Theory and Applications of Models of Computation”, Chennai, India, April 11-13, 2014
  50. tutorial, EURO Mini-conference on Optimization in the Natural Sciences, Aveiro, Portugal, February 5-9, 2014
  51. plenary lecture, International Conference “Optimal decisions in statistics and data analysis”, Cardiff, UK, December 16-18, 2013
  52. plenary lecture, international conference “Operations Research in Moscow”, Moscow, October 15-18, 2013
  53. plenary lecture, International Science and Information Conference, London, UK, October 7-9, 2013
  54. invited 90 minutes lecture, International Workshop “The Number Road”, Erice, Italy, September 27, 2013
  55. tutorial, International Conference and Summer School “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms”, Falerna (CZ), Italy, June 17–23, 2013
  56. tutorial, international conference “Learning and Intelligent Optimization LION-7”, Catania, Italy, January 7-11, 2013
  57. keynote lecture opening the 4th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, Barcelona, Spain, October 3-7, 2012
  58. plenary lecture and tutorial, 15’th GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Verified Numerical Computations, Novosibirsk, Russia, September 24-28, 2012
  59. invited lecture, Constraint Programming and Decision Making Workshop CoProd’2012, Novosibirsk, Russia, September 23, 2012
  60. plenary lecture, the 4th International Conference on the Dynamics of Information Systems, Gainesville, Florida, February20 -22, 2012
  61. invited lecture, the 12th International Symposium “Frontiers of Fundamental Physics”, Udine, Italy, November 21-23, 2011
  62. plenary lecture, the 7th International Asian Summer School “Optimization of Complex Systems”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, October 17-27, 2011
  63. tutorial, Summer School “Achievements and Applications of Contemporary Informatics, Mathematics and Physics”, Kiev, Ukraine, August 12-19, 2011
  64. plenary lecture, the 4th International conference “Mathematics, its Applications and Mathematical Education” Russia, Ulan-Ude, Baikal, June 27 – July 1, 2011
  65. plenary lecture, the 15th Baikal International School-Seminar on Optimization Methods and their Applications, June 23–29, 2011
  66. invited 45 minutes lecture, the International Workshop “New Worlds of Computation”, Orléans, France, May 23-24, 2011
  67. invited one-hour lecture, International Workshop of Natural Computing of the Ninth International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, Ascoli Piceno, Italy, September, 21-24, 2010
  68. plenary lecture, the Second International Conference on Mathematical Physics and Its Applications, Samara, Russia, August 29 – September 4, 2010
  69. keynote lecture, the 3rd Yalta Optimization Conference, Yalta, Ukraine, August, 2-4, 2010
  70. plenary lecture, International Conference on Optimization, Simulation and Control, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, July 25-28, 2010
  71. keynote lecture, the 2010 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing, Las Vegas, USA, July 12-15, 2010
  72. joint keynote lecture, the 2010 International Conference on Scientific Computing and Workshop on Cellular Automata, Theory and Applications, Las Vegas, USA, July 14, 2010;
  73. tutorial, International workshop “Infinite and Infinitesimal in Mathematics, Computing, and Natural Sciences”, Cetraro, Italy, May 17-21, 2010
  74. plenary lecture, International conference “Optimization and Applications” (OPTIMA2009), Petrovac, Montenegro, September 21-25, 2009
  75. tutorial, the international workshop “Optimization and Control with Applications”, Harbin, China, June 6-11, 2009
  76. invited one hour lecture, the First World Congress on Global Optimization in Engineering & Science, Hunan, China, June 1-5, 2009
  77. invited one hour lecture, the International Workshop “New Worlds of Computation”, Orléans, France, January 12, 2009
  78. keynote lecture, Yalta Conference on Discrete and Global Optimization, Yalta, Ukraine, July, 31 – August, 2, 2008;
  79. keynote lecture, the general plenary session of the World Multi-Conference WMSCI 2008 held jointly with the conferences RMCI 2008, MEI 2008, EIC 2008, and BMIC 2008, Orlando, Florida, June, 29 – July, 2, 2008;
  80. invited one hour lecture, the World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts WCNA-2008, Orlando, Florida, July, 2-9, 2008.
  81. tutorial, the 48th international workshop on Nonsmooth Analysis, Optimization and Applications, Erice, Italy, under the auspices of the International School of Mathematics “G. Stampacchia”,  May, 9–17, 2008;
  82. plenary lecture, International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2007, September 16-20, 2007;
  83. invited lecture, the 8th Mediterranean Workshop and Topical Meeting “Novel Optical Materials and Applications”, Cetraro, Italy, June 3-9, 2007;
  84. tutorial, the International Workshop on Learning and Intelligent Optimization, Andalo, Italy, February 12-18, 2007;
  85. invited one hour lecture, the 15th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, Naples, February 7-9, 2007;
  86. plenary lecture opening the MATHESIS Congress, Trento, Italy, November 2-4, 2006;
  87. plenary lecture, the Third International Conference of Applied Mathematics, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 12-18, 2006;
  88. plenary lecture, International Conference “Applied Optimization and Metaheuristic Innovations”, Yalta, Ukraine, July 17-23, 2006;
  89. invited lecture, the second International Workshop on Variational Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, Erice, Italy, under the auspices of the International School of Mathematics “G. Stampacchia”, July 5-14, 2006;
  90. round table “Infinity Computer and Calculus”, the 8th Congress of SIMAI (La Societa’ Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale), Ragusa (Sicily), May 22-26, 2006;
  91. plenary lecture, the XXI Autumn Meeting of the Polish Information Processing Society, Katowice, Poland, December 5-9, 2005;
  92. plenary lecture, the International Workshop on Global Optimization, Almeria, Spain, September 18-22, 2005;
  93. tutorial, the International Conference on Complementarity, Duality, and Global Optimization in Science and Engineering, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, August 15-17, 2005;
  94. plenary lecture, International Conference on Difference Equations, Special Functions and Applications, Munich, July 25-30, 2005;
  95. plenary lecture, International Conference “Numerical Analysis: the State of the Art”, Rende (CS), Italy, May, 19-21, 2005;
  96. invited semi-plenary lecture at the International conference on Selected Problems of Modern Mathematics, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of K.G. Jacobi and the 750th anniversary of the Koenigsberg foundation, Kaliningrad, April, 4-8, 2005;
  97. tutorial, the Workshop “Numerical Methods and Mathematical Software”, Montecatini Terme (PT), January 31 – February 1, 2005;
  98. plenary lecture, the VI-th International Congress on Mathematical Modelling, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, September, 21-26, 2004;
  99. opening invited lecture, the congress “Infinity in Mathematics, Physics, and Philosophy”, Pisa, Italy, 26.03.2004.


Johnson Space Center, NASA, Houston, USA; Università di Bari, Università di Bergamo, Università di Bologna, University of Bergen (Norway), Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, Università di Cagliari, Università di Ferrara (minicorso per i dottorandi di ricerca), Università di Firenze, Università di Milano, Politecnico di Milano, Università di Modena, Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Università di Orléans, Università di Padova, Università di Palermo, Università di Pisa, Università di Reggio Calabria, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Università di Salerno, Università di Siena, Università di Torino, Università di Trento, Università di Trieste, University of Aberdeen (UK), University of Amsterdam (Olanda), Anna University of Chennai (India), Universidad de Almeria (Spagna), University of Barcellona (Spagna), University of Cambridge (UK), University of Cardiff (UK), City University of New York (The Graduate Center), Dokuz Eylul University (Izmir, Turkey), East China Normal University (Shanghai), Ege University (Izmir, Turkey), Imperial College (London, UK), Middlesex University (London, UK), University of Oxford (UK), Putra University (Kuala Lumpur); Queen Mary University (UK), University of Roskilde (Denmark), Technical University of Denmark (Kopenhagen), Technical University of Munich (Germany), University “M.V. Lomonosov” of Moscow, Moscow City Pedagogical University, University of St. Petersburg, University of Kaliningrad (Russia), Qeensland University (Australia), Utah University (USA), Wageningen Agricultural University (Olanda), IASI CNR (Roma), IAMI CNR (Milano), Russian Academy of Education (Moscow), Institute of Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology, Pavia, both of the Italian National Research Council; the following Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhni Novgorod; Institute of Control Sciences, Moscow; Institute for Mathematical Modelling, Moscow; Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Moscow; Institute of Systems Analysis, Moscow; The Program Systems Institute, Pereslavl-Zalessky;  Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk; Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow; Steklov Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg;

Institute of Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague; Institute of Cybernetics and Institute of Mathematics, both of the National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev; Russian Academy of Education, Moscow; Catania Astrophysical Observatory of the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics; Bologna Academy of Sciences; Italian Institute of Philosophical Studies, Naples; Moscow philosophical seminar “Philosophy of mathematics”; Simula, Oslo; Nizhni Novgorod Mathematical Society, etc.


  1. TASS-Nauka, 05.12.2023
  2. Video, WDI TV, 04.12.2023
  3. Article, Corriere della Calabria, 08.12.2023
  4. Article, Prima pagina news, 04.10.2023
  5. ITAR-TASS, 01.10.2023
  6. Article, Calabria Live, 06.08.2023
  7. Article, Calabria Live News, 17.07.2023
  8. ITAR TASS, 13.07.2023
  9. The book “Non è colpa della statistica” written by Walter Caputo dedicates a chapter to the grossone infinity computing, March 2023
  10. Biography, published by Chinese journal Mathematical Culture, 2022
  11. Interview, Scientificast, 14.02.2022
  12. Article, La Repubblica, 28.03.2018
  13. Article, ScienceNewsline, 24.11.2017
  14. Article,, 22.11.2017
  15. Article,, 22.11.2017
  16. Article, EurekAlert! Science News by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 22.11.2017
  17. Article, ScienceNewsline, 13.11.2017
  18. Article, EurekAlert! Science News by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 10.11.2017
  19. Article, Notiziario dell’Unione Matematica Italiana, # 11-12, pages 14-15, 2015
  20. Article, MIT Technology Review, 19.03.2012.
  21. Article in Italian newspaper “Il Crotonese”, 2.12.2010.
  22. Numerous articles have been dedicated to the Pythagoras International Prize for mathematics (see Il Sole 24 Ore, Gazzetta del Sud, Il Quotidiano, Il Crotonese, Haberhurriyeti, etc.), 2010
  23. Article in Italian e-newspaper “Gazzettino Europeo”, 26.06.2010.
  24. Article in Turkish newspaper “Haberhurriyeti”, 28.05.2010.
  25. Article in Italian newspaper “Calabria Ora”, 22.05.2010.
  26. Article in Italian newspaper “Il Quotidiano”, 18.05.2010.
  27. Article in Italian newspaper “Calabria Ora”, 18.05.2010.
  28. Article in Italian newspaper “Gazzetta del Sud”, 18.05.2010.
  29. Article in Italian monthly magazine “Newton”, March, 2010.
  30. Article in Turkish newspaper “Haberhurriyeti”, 10.05.2009.
  31. Article in Italian quarterly magazine “Tutto Misure”, #2, 2008.
  32. Article in Italian monthly magazine “Quale Computer”, #12, 2007.
  33. Cover story in Italian National e-newspaper Key4biz: Knowledge for Business, 11.05.2007.
  34. Article in the leading Italian weekly magazine “Panorama”, 07.12.2006.
  35. Book “Italian applications”, edited by F. Pedrocchi, 240 pages, Hublab Eds., 2006 describing the most promising Italian innovations.
  36. Interview to Italian radio station RadioCitta’Fujiko, 22.04.2006.
  37. Interview to the Italian National business newspaper “Il Sole 24 Ore”, 27.08.2005.
  38. Interview to Italian National newspaper “Italia Oggi” reprinted also by Italian National newspaper “MF” (Milan Finance), 12.07.2005.
  39. Interview to Italian National radio station Radio24, 23.06.2005.
  40. Cover story, department “Technology, Notable New Patents” of the U.S.A. magazine of intellectual property and technology “IpFrontline”, 15.06.2005.
  41. The Optimization Research Bridge Newsletter, Issue 9, March 2003.


  1. coordinator of the GNCS projects in the field of numerical analysis of the Italian national research association on scientific computing, 2014, 2015, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024
  2. coordinator of the project n. 15-11-30022 “Global optimization, supercomputing computations, and applications” of the Russian Science Foundation, 2015-2017
  3. Russian coordinator of the international project “Italian-Russian University”, 1994 – …
  4. coordinator of the project “High accuracy supercomputations and solving global optimization problems using the information approach” as an invited leading foreign scientist in the framework of the Russian Federal Program “Scientists and Educators in Russia of Innovations”, 2012-1.5-12-000-1005-008, 2012-2013
  5. coordinator of the project “Mathematical models for making optimal decisions and numerical methods for high-performance computers” as an invited leading foreign scientist in the framework of the Russian Federal Program “Scientists and Educators in Russia of Innovations”, 02.740.11.5018, 2009-2010
  6. coordinator of the projects 08-01-11506-с and 08-01-07031-d of the Russian Foundation of Basic Research dedicated to global optimization, 2008
  7. responsible for the research stream “Representation and control of complex systems” at the Institute of Systems Analysis and Information Technology, 1994-2002
  8. participation at the coordination of the projects TEMPUS JEP 08536/94, TEMPUS Mobility JEP-10461-98, TEMPUS CD_JEP-23225-2002, TEMPUS SM_SCM-T023B05-2005
  9. participant at the project 4138 “Information Technology for Large-Scale Data Mining on the Basis of Efficient Discrete Programming Algorithms” of the Science and Technology Centre in Ukraine, 2007-2009
  10. participant at several FIRB and PRIN projects of the Italian Ministry of Research and Education dedicated to optimization
  11. participant at the following projects of the Russian Foundation of Basic Research: RFBR 11-01-00682-а, 07-01-00467-а, 04-01-00455-a dedicated to global optimization and high-performance computing


2024International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science ICAMCS 2024, Hanoi, Vietnam, December 20-21, Chair of the International Scientific Committee
2023The 4th International Conference and Summer School “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms”, Pizzo Calabro, Italy, June 14-20, 2023, Chairman of the Scientific Committee
2021International Conference on Networking and Machine Learning, Singapore, July 23-25, Conference Co-Chair
2021International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Algorithms, Singapore, July 23-25, Conference Co-Chair
2019The 3rd International Conference and Summer School “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms”, Le Castella – Isola Capo Rizzuto, Crotone, Italy, June 15-21, 2019, Chairman of the Scientific Committee
2019The 6th World Congress on Global Optimization, Metz, France, July 8-10, 2019, Co-Chair
2018The 14th International Workshop on Global Optimization LeGO 2018, Leiden, The Netherlands, Co-Chairman
2017Learning and Intelligent Optimization LION-11, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, General Chair
2017International Conference and School “High-Performance Computing, Optimization and Applications”, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, Co-Chairman of the Scientific Committee
2016International Conference and School “High-Performance Computing, Optimization and Applications”, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, Co-Chairman of the Scientific Committee
2016The 2nd International Conference “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms”, Pizzo Calabro, Italy, Chairman of the Scientific Committee
2015International Conference and School “High-Performance Computing, Optimization and Applications”, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, Co-Chairman of the Scientific Committee
2013International Conference “Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms”, Falerna, Italy, Chairman of the Program Committee
2010Infinite and Infinitesimal in Mathematics, Computing, and Natural Sciences, Cetraro, Italy, Chairman of the Program Committee
2003Numerical Methods for Local and Global Optimization: Sequential and Parallel Algorithms, International Scientific Meeting, Cortona, Italy, Co-Chair of the Scientific Committee
20247th International Conference on the Dynamics of Information Systems (DIS 2024), Kalamata, Greece, Member of the Program Committee
2024Learning and Intelligent Optimization international conference LION-18, Ischia, Italy, Member of the Steering Committee
2024XXIII International Conference “Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research MOTOR-2024, Omsk, Russia, Member of the Program Committee
2024The 15th International Conference “Optimization and Applications” OPTIMA-2024, Petrovac, Montenegro, Member of the Program Committee
2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2007Learning and Intelligent Optimization series of international conferences: LION-17 2023, LION-16 2022, LION-15 2021, LION-14 2020, LION-13 2019, LION-12 2018, LION-10 2016, LION-8 2014, LION-7 2013, LION-6 2012, LION-5 2011, LION-4 2010, LION-3 2009, LION-2 2007, and LION 2007, Member of the Program Committees
2023WIVACE 2023 – XVII International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation, Venice, Italy, Member of the Program Committee
2023The 14th International Conference “Optimization and Applications” OPTIMA-2023, Petrovac, Montenegro, Member of the Program Committee
202323rd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Supercomputer Technologies, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, Member of the Program Committee
2023International Conference on Optimization and Learning (OLA2023), Malaga, Spain, Member of the Program Committee
2023IAAI-23, Thirty-Fifth Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Washington DC, Member of the Program Committee
2023The 2023 World Congress on Global Optimization, Athens, Greece, Member of the Program Committee
2023International Conference Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research (MOTOR 2023), Ekaterinburg, Russia, Member of the Program Committee
2022Thirty-Fourth Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, IAAI-22, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Member of the Program Committee
2022International Conference Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research (MOTOR 2022), Petrozavodsk, Russia, Member of the Program Committee
2022The 13th International Conference “Optimization and Applications” OPTIMA-2022, Petrovac, Montenegro, Member of the Program Committee
202214th Metaheuristics International Conference MIC-2022, Ortigia-Syracuse, Italy, Member of the Program Committee
2021XV International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation, Winterthur (ZH), Switzerland, Member of the Program Committee
2021The 12th International Conference “Optimization and Applications” OPTIMA-2021, Petrovac, Montenegro, Member of the Program Committee
2021International Conference Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research (MOTOR 2021), Irkutsk, Russia, Member of the Program Committee
2021World Congress on Global Optimization WCGO 2021, Athens, Greece, Member of the Program Committee
2021International Conference on Theoretical & Applicable Optimization and Control  (TAOC-2021), Baku, Azerbaijan, Member of the Program Committee
2021International Conference on Optimization and Learning (OLA2021), Catania, Italy, Member of the Program Committee
2021The 33rd AAAI Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Member of the Program Committee
2021The 5th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Metaheuristics & Swarm Intelligence (ISMSI 2021), Victoria, Seychelles, Member of the International Advisory Board
2020International conference “Mathematical modeling and supercomputer technologies”, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, Member of the Program Committee
2020The 11th International Conference “Optimization and Applications” OPTIMA-2020, Petrovac, Montenegro, Member of the Program Committee
20198th International Conference on Systems Analysis and Information Technologies, Irkutsk, Russia, Member of the Program Committee
2019The 17th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, Strathclyde, UK, Member of the Program Committee
2019WIVACE 2019 – XIV International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation, Rende, Italy, Member of the Programme Committee of the Special Session on Cognitive Systems and Applications
2019The 10th International Conference “Optimization and Applications” OPTIMA-2019, Petrovac, Montenegro, Member of the Program Committee
2019International Conference Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research (MOTOR 2019), Ekaterinburg, Russia, Member of the Program Committee
2019Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC 2019), Kitakyushu City, Japan, Member of the Program Committee
2018The 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming ISMP 2018, Bordeaux, France, Member of the Scientific Committee
2018The IX International Conference “Optimization and Applications” (OPTIMA-2018), Petrovac, Montenegro, Member of Program Committee
2017The VIII International Conference “Optimization and Applications” (OPTIMA-2017), Petrovac, Montenegro, Member of Program Committee
2017The 17th Baikal International Conference “Methods of Optimization and Their Applications”, Olhon, Baikal, Russia, Member of the Program Committee
2017The 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications RAMSA-2017, New Delhi, India, Member of the International Advisory Committee
2017Systems Analysis and Information Technologies SAIT 2017, Svetlogorsk, Russia, Member of the Program Committee
2017The 14th International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, Member of the Programme Committee
2017Global Optimization Conference GOC-2017, College Station, TX, USA, Member of the Program Committee
2017The 25th International conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, Special Session on High Performance Computing in Modelling and Simulation, St. Petersburg, Russia, Member of the Programme Committee
2016Supercomputing Co-Design Technology Workshop at the 16th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, Granada, Spain, Member of the Programme Committee
2016VIII international Operations Research Conference, Moscow, Russia, Member of the Program Committee
2016International Conference on Discrete Optimization and Operations Research, Vladivostok, Russia, Member of the Program Committee
2016XIII Global Optimization Workshop, Braga, Portugal, Member of  the International Scientific Committee
2016VI international conference and school “Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Informatics”, Omsk, Russia, Member of the Scientific Committee
2016The 24th International conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, Special Session on High Performance Computing in Modelling and Simulation, Crete, Greece, Member of the Programme Committee
20151st International Summer School for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences & Science Education, Lille, France, Member of the Scientific Committee
2015International Conference “Russian Supercomputing Days”, Moscow, Member of the Program Committee
2015The 13th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2015, Rhodes, Greece, Organizer of the Session “Global Optimization and Numerical Analysis”
2015Joint ORSC/EURO International Conference on Continuous Optimization, Shanghai, China, Organizer of the Session “Global Optimization and Control”
2015World Congress on Global Optimization WCGO 2015, Gainesville, Florida – USA, Member of the Program Committee
2015Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences (MCO 2015), Metz, France, Member of the Program Committee
2015Optimization Problems and their Economical Applications, Omsk, Russia, Member of the Program Committee
2015New Trends in Numerical Analysis, Falerna, Italy, Member of the Scientific Committee
2015V international conference and school “Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Informatics”, Omsk, Russia, Member of the Scientific Committee
2015The 23rd Euromicro International conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, Special Session on High Performance Computing in Modelling and Simulation, Turku, Finland, Member of the Programme Committee
2014The 16th Baikal International Conference “Methods of Optimization and Their Applications”, Olhon, Baikal, Russia, Member of Program Committee
2014the 5th International conference “Mathematics, its Applications and Mathematical Education” Russia, Ulan-Ude, Baikal, Member of Program Committee
2014International Conference “Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Computer Science”, Omsk, Russia, Member of the Program Committee
2013VII international Operations Research Conference, Moscow, Russia, Member of the Program Committee
20139th International Conference Innovative Economy of XXth century, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, Member of the Organizing Committee
2012VI International Workshop “Generalized Statements and Solutions of Control Problems”,  Gelendzhik, Russia, Member of the International Program Committee
2012the 8th International Asian Summer School “Optimization of Complex Systems”, Omsk, Russia, Member of the International Program Committee
2012International conference “Optimization and Applications” (OPTIMA – 2012), Costa da Caparica, Portugal, Member of the Organizing Committee
2011International conference “Optimization and Applications” (OPTIMA – 2011), Petrovac, Montenegro, Member of the Organizing Committee
2011the 7th International Asian Summer School “Optimization of Complex Systems”, Member of the International Program Committee, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
2011the 4th International conference “Mathematics, its Applications and Mathematical Education” Russia, Ulan-Ude, Baikal, Member of Program Committee
2011International Conference FutureTech 2011, Member of the International Program Committee, section 5 – Digital Convergence, Crete, Greece
2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 1999, 19971st – 8th International Conferences on Regional Aspects of Public Economics, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, Member of the Organizing Committee
2010International Conference on Nanotechnology Software Tools, Phuket, Thailand, Member of the International Program Committee
2010The 2010 International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science, Las Vegas, USA, Member of the International Program Committee
2010The 2010 International Conference on Computer Design, Las Vegas, USA, Member of the International Program Committee
2010The third Yalta Optimization Conference, Yalta, Ukraine, Member of the Advisory Committee
2010The 2010 International Conference on Scientific Computing, Las Vegas, USA, Member of the International Program Committee
2010The 2010 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering, Las Vegas, USA, Member of the International Program Committee
2010International Conference on Optimization, Simulation and Control,  Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Member of the Scientific Committee
2009The First World Congress on Global Optimization in Engineering & Science, Hunan, China, Member of the Scientific Committee
2009International conference “Optimization and Applications” (OPTIMA2009), Petrovac, Montenegro, Member of the Organizing Committee
2008The Yalta Conference on Discrete and Global Optimization, Yalta, Ukraine, Member of the Advisory Committee
20088th International Conference “Parallel Computations on Clusters”, Kazan’, Russia, Member of the Programming Committee
2007, 2005, 2003, 2002, 20011st – 3rd, 5th, 7th International Conferences “Parallel Computations on Clusters”, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, Member of the Organizing Committee
2004DEIS Workshop, Member of the Scientific Committee
2004VI International Congress on Mathematical Modeling, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, Member of the Organizing Committee
2001Optimization 2001, Aveiro, Portugal, Organizer of Sessions “Global Optimization 1 and 2”


Born 28.08.63

Office address: DIMES, University of Calabria, Via P. Bucci, Cubo 41-C, 87036 Rende (CS), Italy

tel. +39 0984 494855