La pizza “Sergeyev Grossone Infinity Specilal”
Cibo al microscopio: La pizza “Sergeyev-Grossone Infinity Special”
Cibo al microscopio: La pizza “Sergeyev-Grossone Infinity Special”
Yaroslav Sergeyev becomes a member of the editorial board of “Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics” (Elsevier), October 2024.
Yaroslav Sergeyev receives the International Prize of the city of Gioacchino da Fiore for his work with numerical infinities and infinitesimals, 2023 (see this video).
Yaroslav Sergeyev receives the ICNAAM Research Excellence Award for outstanding contributions in the field of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (21st International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2023 (Heraklion, Creete, Greece, 11-17 September 2023).
The book Primi Passi nell’Aritmetica dell’Infinito (First Steps in the Arithmetic of Infinity) by Davide Rizza has been published.
Yaroslav D. Sergeyev receives the International Constantin Carathéodory Prize that was presented during the World Congress of Global Optimization (Athens, Greece, July 10-14, 2023). Prof. Sergeyev delivered a plenary lecture entitled “Problems, methods, and applications in Lipschitz global optimization”. The Prize is assigned by the International Society of Global Optimization every two years to an… Leggi tutto »
The book “Non è colpa della statistica” written by Walter Caputo dedicates a chapter to the grossone infinity computing, March 2023
On March 6, 2023 the Book Y.D. Sergeyev “Arithmetic of Infinity” was Best Seller #1 on among books “Infinity Mathematics”.
Video of the workshop dedicated to the presentation of the book Numerical infinities and infinitesimals in optimization, Eds: Y. D. Sergeyev, R. De Leone, Springer, 2022 and its press-release (see also a review published by the Springer’s journal Optimization Letters).
The book “Numerical infinities and infinitesimals in optimization” eds. Y.D. Sergeyev, R. De Leone has been just published by Springer