Chinese journal Mathematical Culture publishes biography of Prof. Sergeyev
Chinese journal Mathematical Culture publishes biography (see part 1 and part 2) of Prof. Sergeyev
Chinese journal Mathematical Culture publishes biography (see part 1 and part 2) of Prof. Sergeyev
L’intervista del Prof. Sergeyev a Scientificast (minuti 18-33)
Prof. Sergeyev was again included in the list of Scopus highly cited authors, 2021.
Since 2021 Prof. Sergeyev is Member of the Editorial Board of the international Journal of Computational Mathematics and Data Science published by Elsevier.
Since 2021 Prof. Sergeyev is Member of the Editorial Board of the international journal Soft Computing published by Springer.
On February 6, 2021 the Book Y.D. Sergeyev “Arithmetic of Infinity” was Best Seller #2 on among books “Infinity Mathematics”.
Since 2021 Prof. Sergeyev is Member of the Editorial Board of the international Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization published by the American Institute of Mathematical Sciences.
Prof. Sergeyev was included in the list of Scopus highly cited authors, 2020.
There has been published the special issue of the journal Soft Computing dedicated to the 3rd international conference ‘‘Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms-NUMTA 2019’’, June 15-21, 2019, Isola Capo Rizzuto, Italy. The special issue contains 23 papers. It has been edited by Yaroslav D. Sergeyev (Managing Guest-Editor) and Renato De Leone and Gerardo Toraldo (Guest-Editors).
Prof. Sergeyev was included in the list TOP 100 computer scientists in Italy by the rank Guide2Research, June 2020.